Research Committee
The mission of the Research Committee is to provide accessible resources about the efficacy of psychodynamic/psychoanalytic psychotherapy in service of advocating for this approach to treatment. This mission includes building an advocacy case for continued insurance coverage for psychoanalytic treatment to present to Vermont State Legislature.
If you are interested in joining or learning more about the Research Committee, please contact the committee chairs listed below.
From 2004-2007, the Research Committee focused on encouraging research in psychoanalysis through a reward fund, intended to spur on further research in the field. Given the current climate of managed care and medical model psychological treatment, advocacy for psychoanalytic treatment is increasingly important. The committee’s current focus is on compiling and organizing the existing research on psychoanalytic efficacy, creating an intelligible and easy-access resource for VAPS members, allowing for better communication and advocacy for treatment within the community.
“Treating Children with Affect Regulatory Disorders in Public Schools” by Barry Waterson.
Awarded Sunday, February 11
Honorary Mention: “A Psychoanalytic Contribution to the Understanding and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” by James Rainwater.
Awarded Sunday, February 11
“Stepping Back: An Empirical Study of Regression in the Analytic Hour” by Dan Gilhooley.
Awarded Saturday, March 19
Committee Members

Jacob Rusczek

Polly Young-Eis...

Melvin E. Miller

Frank Smecker