Applied Psychoanalysis Committee
The VAPS Applied Psychoanalysis Committee was founded by Mina Levinsky-Wohl during her VAPS presidency in 2007. The Mission of the VAPS Applied Psychoanalysis committee is to promote the use of psychoanalytic understanding to art, music, literature, drawing, painting, sculpture, prose, poetry, film, and theater, which includes collaborative work with other disciplines such as philosophy, neuroscience, anthropology, and others. The goal of the Committee is to promote opportunities for interdisciplinary dialogue through the exploration and application of psychoanalysis to art, and to facilitate opportunities for members of VAPS to share their experience with creative expression as it relates to psychoanalytic ideas in their clinical and professional work.
The Applied Psychoanalysis Committee meets several times a year. If you are interested in joining or learning more about the committee, please contact the committee chair.
You will find a History of Applied Psychoanalysis Committee from the April 2021 VAPS Newsletter at

Elizabeth Golds...

Pamela Clark