Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee has been created to thoroughly review and revise the existing VAPS bylaws. The bylaws which were drafted and adopted over ten years ago were done so at a time when VAPS restructured to have an elected Executive Committee, with limited terms of office, and a structural organization in line with the Division 39 bylaws, of which we are a chapter. The Division and our local chapter have grown in size and organizational complexity over the past decade. The Division bylaws were substantially revised in 1999.
The VAPS Executive Committee from time to time will update and revise our Bylaws during the current term of the President. The last revision of our bylaws was updated, reviewed and adopted in 2008 and 2009. Any members wishing to participate in this project should contact the current VAPS By-Laws Committee Chair, or, in the absence of a committee chair, the current VAPS President. Please refer to our Executive Committee page to contact the current VAPS President.
Committee Members
Aleta Vail
Gerri Oppedisano
Irene Sharp