VAPS 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting

VAPS is pleased to host Dr. Howard Levine as our presenter on Saturday, November 2 at the UVM Alumni House in Burlington. Dr. Howard Levine, our distinguished presenter from Massachusetts, will speak about the contributions of French Psychoanalyst André Green. The day will continue André Green’s attempts to understand and explore the work of the negative, the Dead Mother complex, the tension between presence and absence, loss and remainder, the creative, dialectical arc between them and their role in psychic development and the analytic process. In the morning, Dr. Levine will present a paper entitled, “From the Dead Mother to a Living Discourse.” He will present an extended clinical illustration in the afternoon.

For driving/parking directions and a more detailed schedule for the day, you can download the brochure by clicking on the blue "Brochure" link on the right of the screen.

Dr. Levine is a member of APsaA, PINE and the Contemporary Freudian Society, on the editorial Board of the IJP and Psychoanalytic Inquiry, editor-in-chief of the Routledge Wilfred Bion Studies Book Series and in private practice in Brookline, Massachusetts. He has authored many articles, book chapters, and reviews on psychoanalytic process and technique and the treatment of primitive personality disorders. His co-edited books include Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning (Karnac 2013); On Freud’s Screen Memories (Karnac 2014); The Wilfred Bion Tradition (Karnac 2016); Bion in Brazil. (Karnac 2017) and André Green Revisited: Representation and the Work of the Negative (Karnac 2018).